New tools added to NHS ‘DoOD’ mobile app

NHS DoOD mobile app

Our NHS DoOD mobile app has been updated with new tools to assist with culture change within the NHS. Commissioned by the Organisational Development team within NHS Employers and NHS Leadership Academy, the app now boasts 3 intuitive, interactive tools.

The Space to Think initiative was first developed following engagement with several NHS trusts, looking at how they used OD practice and theory to enable culture change. Space to Think cards were created to support NHS staff making workforce changes to deliver better quality care for patients. We interpreted this digitally, building the playing cards concept into an interactive experience. User inputs within 6 categories (such as ‘Plan the future’ and ‘Explore your reactions’) are stored and can be revisited.

The latest tool to be added to the app – Assess your capability – is intended to help staff reflect and self-assess, allowing them to identify strengths and weaknesses. It was an exercise in User Experience (UX) with tests conducted using paper prototypes and wireframes. This informed the key decisions on the user interface, with a solid foundation defined in advance.

NHS DoOD mobile app

New features include an option to store thoughts and ideas within the app, and multiple pathways through the experience (head and heart).

The app is our latest to use modern web technologies – Sencha Touch and PhoneGap – rather than native development, which would have proved too costly. The app is available for iOS and Android devices.

Further information can be found on the NHS Employers website.